Last week I was able to offer an experienced Lash Artist some advanced training in lash extensions. It was a great experience for both of us. This particular lash artist has been doing lash extensions from her home for several months. She has been unable to complete a full set of lashes in less than 4 hours or a fill in less than 2. This is a major hinderance to her business.
When I found out about her problem I strongly suggested she take some advanced training from me. We went over the basic Do's and Don'ts of lash services. It turned out that she was making SEVERAL rookie mistakes that were eating up precious service time. After only 2 ours of direct 1 on 1 training she learned a handful of invaluable skills and techniques that should easily help her cut her service time in half making it possible for her to take twice as many lash clients! Not only that, but with shorter service times and happier clients she will likely tap into those valuable referrals and repeat clients. I LOVE TRAINING! If you or anyone you know does lash extensions or want so learn how contact Salt City Lashes today! For a small investment and a short amount of time you could easily double or triple what you make doing lashes! It is WELL worth it! It seems that everywhere you look online there are businesses offering what they call the best lash extension training course... Well how do you know which to pick?
Here are a few red flags to look for in unprofessional training/certification courses: 1- They do not require licensure prior to training as required by their state laws. Here in the State of Utah it is required to have an active cosmetology or esthetics license in order to do lash extensions for compensation. 2- They offer a training DVD if you buy their kit. There is absolutely NO way that you can learn how to properly and safely apply lash extension by watching a DVD. This company is out to make money on you and does not care if you injure your client or put your license and name sake at risk. 3- Training takes place at un undisclosed or TBD location. You could very well be training in someone's messy living room or a dingy hotel conference room. Ensure that your training set up is sanitary and professional. 4- The trainer is not named. You could very well be trained by someone who has little to no experience doing lashes at all... THIS happened to me. I found out after the fact that my trainer was no licensed, and has only been doing lashes out of her own basement for a year... 5- They don't teach proper removal or they have you work on a mannequin. Learning proper removal is vital to any successful lash business. It is often removal that causes the most injury. Do not sign up for a training that does not teach this. (I did and had to learn it after the fact on the job) You also cannot possibly learn all the necessary skills you need working on a mannequin. You need a real model to learn about proper isolation, position, style, posture, etc. The best lash extension courses will teach you all the aspects of lash extensions without the fluff. You can't just look at the time spent training, you have to consider the quality of the education. Consider class size, location, professionalism, quality of products used, experience of the trainer, continued support offered, etc. If you have any other questions about the training that Salt City Lashes offers or if you are having trouble comparing our offerings to another company's we encourage you to contact us. We are glad to guide you through this process as it is a very important decision that could easily make or break your career. |
March 2020
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